Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

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Flying to Teach

I spent the summer flying and teaching. My first stop was at the The Fiber Studio in Henniker, New Hampshire for a two day Smashing Color Workshop. The Fiber Studio is a colorful store filled with stunningly beautiful yarns for knitters and weavers – very inspirational! The workshop was held in the store’s classroom; a […]

Color Triangles Preview

The best way to show the full gamut or range of colors that can be mixed from three primaries is with a triangle and, just like the color scales, there are two variations of color triangles; arithmetric and geometric. Mathematical vs Visual Balance Arithmetric Triangles put the 1/2:1/2 mixes (in the sample they are labeled 4/4) in the middle position […]

Monarch Butterflies

Yesterday was the first day of spring and I am wondering if the monarch butterflies have started their flights from Mexico back to the U.S. I just finished Four Wings and a Prayer by Sue Halpern, a book about the mystery of monarch butterfly migration. It was a fabulous look inside the scientific world and a […]

Color Scales Tutorial

Color scales are step-by-step mixes showing the range of colors that you get by mixing two colors in different proportions. You can use any two colors to make scales. The first one I did was black to white, then I tried red to yellow, yellow to blue and blue back to yellow to get the […]

Announcing “Aurora”

Congratulations to Georgana Gersabeck of Berkley, Michigan who proposed the name “Aurora” for Elise Winters’ new colorway. When she saw Elise’s bead strands she said, “I immediately felt I was looking at the Northern lights.” Elise sent this me this message on Sunday: ” Your deadline has passed and I checked in to gather the last […]

Watercolor Technique Tutorial

Over the last year  there has been a flurry of interest in my Watercolor technique with tutorials and videos by enthusiastic artists popping up in many places. Remember playing the game of “Telephone” or “Whisper Down the Lane” and by the time the last person repeated the information it was all mixed up? That’s what […]

Name That Colorway

In my workshops I call magenta/fuchsia “new red” and the crayon color of red “old red” This is one of Elise Winters latest colorways that uses both – a beautiful combination of old red, new red and yellow green. Elise is looking for a poetic name for this gorgeous group of colors. What would you […]

Clay on Sale

Just got word that Michael’s has Fimo, Premo and Sculpey clay on sale for $ .99 until tomorrow (Saturday) in case you want to stock up.

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