Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

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Color Inspirations: Lisa Nankivil

Lisa Nankivil is a stripe painter. When you think of stripe paintings the first name that comes to mind is Bridget Riley.  Nankivil takes this form of abstract paintings to a more organic, and poetic, level. Tomorrow, July 21st, Nankivil’s latest show, “Lines of Inference” will open at the Spanierman Modern gallery in NYC. See it if you can! […]

Tracking Peak Color

 I live in the Pacific Northwest.  We don’t have the same kind of fall leaf season that I grew up with in the Northeast.  I remember as a kid coming up over a hill and seeing a panoramic view of mountains lush with color. The colors were so bright I remember thinking, “The leaves are all the colors of Fruit Loops!” […]

Color Naming in Nepal

“Namaste” from Kumari, Ambikha, Sharmila and Kopila. Color is connecting us all over the world! Wendy Moore, an Australian rehab therapist and artist, is working with the non-profit group Summanat Nepal to help women who have experienced domestic violence. Cynthia Tinapple is generously building their website and through PolymerClayDaily we are now linked to this new sisterhood of polymer […]


My mother’s favorite color is blue. She collects blue glass bottles and displays them in the windows of our house in Ohio. She prefers cobalt blue but all varieties of blue make it onto the shelves. Over the years many of the bottles were accidently broken – one time a whole window’s worth came tumbling down! […]


White is light. All color comes from light. The Flickr collection of white photos has many, many beautiful images showing all the variations of shadow and light that give depth to white. Many of the photos are by photographer Mr. Luke Harby. White Polymer: Dan Cormier’s necklace is a gorgeous example of working in all […]

Colors of Majolica

The Majolica style of painted ceramics was introduced to Italy in the 14th century from Moorish Spain by way of the island of Majorca. Think spanish tiles and you will probably have some idea of what inspired the Italian majolica artists. In the middle of the fifteenth century, Luca della Robbia (1400-1482) developed the blue […]

From Laurie Mika to Majolica

Laurie Mika’s mixed media pieces are full of color, texture and imagery. Polymer and ceramic tiles, paint, beads, jewelry and more combine to make beautiful mosaic icons, tables, chairs and boxes. I am amazed at how many pieces she gets done and that her confident use of color shows up in every piece. In one […]

Color in Motion

If you have some time this weekend to play with color symbolism – here’s a fun interactive site produced a few years ago by Claudia Cortes as her thesis project for the MFA in Computer Graphic Design at Rochester Institute of Technology. The project received Best of Category honors in the I.D. Magazine 2004 Student Design Review […]

Monarch Butterflies

Yesterday was the first day of spring and I am wondering if the monarch butterflies have started their flights from Mexico back to the U.S. I just finished Four Wings and a Prayer by Sue Halpern, a book about the mystery of monarch butterfly migration. It was a fabulous look inside the scientific world and a […]

Playing Holi

A few years ago my daughter spent some time in India and Nepal. She was there during Holi – the Hindu Festival of Colors. She knew I would love to hear about a celebration that involves throwing and squirting colors at complete strangers so she called home, a rare event, to tell me all about it. […]

Rainbows 101

“My heart leaps up when I behold a Rainbow in the sky.” William Wordsworth I live in a place with lots of rainbows – Portland, Oregon. When the sun breaks out in the late afternoon on a rainy day, I run to look out my kitchen window. The sunshine means that the rain has moved […]

The Queen

I watched the Academy Awards and was thrilled when Helen Mirren won for “The Queen.”  I thought she looked great. Loved the gown. My mom is Canadian and whenever we visited my grandparents in Saskatchewan I saw pictures of the Queen.  Not the most fashionable of monarchs but I always thought she was beautiful, probably […]

Pointed Pointillism: 2030 Challenge

I think a lot about the connections between the environment, social justice and art. Today they all came together when I found Chris Jordan’s latest collection of photographs “Running the Numbers: An American Portrait“. Jordon skewers our out-of-control consumer culture by turning photos into oversized pointillist collages. The image above is a detail of his […]

Spoof, No Spoof

Painted Cats is the subject line of one of those constantly circulating emails making the rounds of cyber space. My cousin forwarded this one to me. He was very upset about the cruel anesthetizing of these poor cats as they got their $15,000 paint jobs. That sounded fishy to me so I checked and sure […]

Laura Liska’s Gorgeous Colors

I’m here in Tucson helping Laura Liska at the Whole Bead Show. The room is filled with her color coordinated collections of bead mixes, fiber bundles and fabric squares all beautifully displayed in baskets on tables covered in hand-dyed cloths. I can’t tell you how many times people walk in and say, “Ooooh, these colors […]

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