Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

Name That Colorway


In my workshops I call magenta/fuchsia “new red” and the crayon color of red “old red” This is one of Elise Winters latest colorways that uses both – a beautiful combination of old red, new red and yellow green. Elise is looking for a poetic name for this gorgeous group of colors. What would you call it?

If Elise uses your suggested name she will send you one of her scatter pins made from these new colors. Now that’s a great incentive to put on the thinking cap and come up with a creative name. Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with . . .


  1. I’m thinking of something like “Scheherazade”- one thousand and one exotic tales, just like I could imagine the combinations these colours could tell.

  2. What do you think of Berry Pistacio Sorbet?

  3. Melonberry

    The colors remind me of honeydew, watermelon, cantalope and strawberries.

  4. I grow lots of peppers…I’d call this “ScovilleUnits”. They are beautiful!

  5. My name suggestion is
    “Smashin’ Watermelon”

  6. With a twinkle: “Bollywood love”

  7. Nice color scheme, Elise!

    Meadow blossoms
    spring bouquet
    rainbow sherbert

  8. How about Pastel Pastiche

  9. How about:


    I am a weaver planning for NEWS. I am a draft/structure/texture person, who feels COLOR is for Artists, and not for good craftswomen like me.

    Is you seminar accessible to people like me? I don’t want to be told to ‘Play and Enjoy and you will Learn’. I want some guidance and teaching, which it seems, from you blog, is what you like to do.

    Thanks. Gretchen

  10. Cyprus Summers.

    The island of Cypress is awash with pinks and reds and magenta bougainvilla blossoms in the summer. Breathtaking to see! Your beads put me back there.!

    also, Calypso and Carnivale! you have captured the colors of the costumes of the Caribbean dancers.

    …and Calypso was also the daughter of Atlas and lured Odysseus to Malta, so there i am back in the Mediterranean again!

  11. It looks like it segues from the garden to the woods.
    How about “FlowerForest”…
    or “ForestFlower”…

  12. If “After the Frost” is too long then some other Spring adjectives like “Burst” or “Burst Fourth”…

  13. Thanks to you all. So many great suggestions and so much to choose from. Special thanks to Joan for including the Robert Frost poem. That concept was top on my list…if only we could find 1 word to capture that whole sentiment. Aurora, solar glow and sorbet are also on target.

  14. I forgot this one in the last post


  15. desert spring
    prickly pear
    desert skies

  16. I had thought of saris as well when I saw the colors. Perhaps “Saffron and Silk”. Or “East India Company”.

  17. How about “Succulence”?

  18. Dragon’s Song. (I see “music” in the evening sunset of the colors)

  19. Maggie

    January 22, 2007 at 6:07 pm

    Thanks everyone!
    Lots of floral names. I see Thai Silks –
    and Indian Saris.

    Keep the ideas coming . . .

  20. Dimana Dimitrova

    January 22, 2007 at 3:46 pm

    Stargazer Lily


    Lily Romance

  21. fiesta rainbow!

  22. Beautiful colors, Elise. I would call it “Rhapsody of colors”

  23. “Rhododendron” or “Azalea”

  24. Beautiful blends! My first thought was the night sky. Perhaps, Aurora Borealis ,Night Sky, Night Glow, Solar Glow…..”aurora polaris”

    Good luck.

  25. How about “After the Frost”. It looks like the first blooms of Spring bursting then darkening. And that reminds me of Robert Frost’s poem Nothing Gold Can Stay

    “Nature’s first green is gold,
    Her hardest hue to hold.
    Her early leaf’s a flower;
    But only so an hour.
    Then leaf subsides to leaf.
    So Eden sank to grief,
    So dawn goes down to day.
    Nothing gold can stay.”

  26. I see a wonderful “Tropical Island”.

  27. What about “forest fairy” or “fairy forest”?

  28. sunrise over the fields

  29. Rose Garden

  30. I would call this beautiful blend of colors “Sage and Sherbet” or “Sherbet and Sage”.

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