Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

Split Ring Update


Barb Alexander

The response to the split ring video has been amazing. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments. I am so glad you are having fun with them!

A few people have mentioned that their split rings start to open while they are being worn. There could be many reasons for this. 

First –  The clay was not conditioned well enough.

Second -The proportions are not right. If the centers of the snakes are not thick enough, or if the ends are too skinny, then the rings are not strong enough to stay closed when put together into a chain.

Third – Small rings were combined with large rings. Sometimes the smaller rings will open because there is just too much weight on them.

I am starting to get photos from all over the world. This first round was sent to me by Lawrence  Smith of the Vancouver PolyClayers guild.  I love the red and yellow one by Barb Alexander – the color flow is fantastic!

Other members of the guild had fun with blue:

Donna Harp

Donna Harp

Sharon House

Sharon House








Diane Bruce

Diane Bruce



I am on a month-long trip to Europe with  my husband and my two daughters. We are visiting southern Italy together to look for long lost relatives. 

The colors of the Mediterranean area are amazing. I will try to share some with you as I go.  Saturday School will resume when I get back home.  If you want some homework in the meantime . . . try experimenting with contrast by making split rings using colors from your collage! 




  1. Thank you so much for the amazing tutorial on vimeo. A friend and I tried to make our first ‘Split Ring’ necklace today and it turned out great. There will be following more and more, thanks to your perfect guide.

  2. i so wanna try this – i saw the video on polymer clay daily and you had mentioned that there was a template for the different sizes….I cant seem to find it i missing it somewhere?

  3. Maggie, thanks so much for “making my day”! What a thrill to see my necklace on your blog and also on Polymer Clay Daily – just made me feel so good. It’s a great technique and I plan to make more. One thing I love about it is links can be removed to make the necklace shorter (or added to make it longer)…and different colored rings can be added to change things up a little. So much fun. Thanks for sharing the technique!

  4. Thank you so much for publishing the photos of our Guild member’s
    Barb, Donna, Sharon and Diana. We are a fairly new guild but are so lucky to have some very talented members who love experimenting with your “Color Inspirations”. Enjoy your vacation.

1 Pingback

  1. Maggio sees red!

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