Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

Color Scales Triangles Video

The first round of color scales I made used two primary colors, for example Red to Yellow.  It didn’t take long before I started making value scales – taking a color to a white and then taking a color to a black. After awhile, I started making color scales using complementary colors to find the earth colors and neutrals in the middle of the color wheel or color triangle.


Mixing complementaries often resulted in duplicate colors where the lines crossed in the center of the triangle. I wanted a way to avoid the lines crossing and the “Base Mixing” system was born.   I still use clay from these trays that I put together to test the base mixing idea. To help you get started with the base mixing system, here’s a video that I made two years ago with my nephew, Joey Sipos,  showing you how to make your own Color Scales Triangle. Do all the scales even if you just leave them on a tray and never string them up into a triangle! Its worth it just to see the beautiful colors in the middle.


  1. Hi Maggie, I guess you are recouperating from SII. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the work you have put into your book, which I have and for expanding upon it on your wonderful blog, thats why I want to award you the nomination for the Sunshine Blog Award!

    Thanks for having such a wonderful and interesting blog!

  2. excellent exercise even for those of us who are very adept at color!!

  3. What a great way to work!

  4. Tonja Lenderman

    January 22, 2010 at 4:23 am

    You have been given the Sunshine Blog Award for all the inspiration you give us 🙂

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