Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

The Book is Here!

maggie_rainbow_web250Lindly Haunani and I are happy to announce that our book, Polymer Clay Color Inspirations, is now available at your local bookstore and that Amazon is shipping them out to everyone who placed a pre-order.  Check out my big smile and the beautiful rainbow that appeared the same day the book was officially on the shelves.

Starting next Saturday, September 5th, I will be posting “Weekend Extras” to encourage you to go through each of the exercises in the book. We will start with tips for the very first exercise, “Testing Package Colors.” I hope you will join me and send your questions and comments as we work through each of the exercises together.

Look for the weekend extras every Saturday morning and random posts scattered here and there. Now that the book is done, I am looking forward to getting back to blogging on a regular basis!


  1. Maggie, the book is wonderful. Once I got started I read it all the way through. I know a little more will sink in each time I reread a section. Now I’ve got to get caught up on Saturday school! Since your workshop in Sacramento I haven’t been able to look through a magazine without tearing out a page or two. I’ve got quite a collection of collages already, but I’m anxious to make some more with the boxful of torn-out pages I’ve been saving.


  2. admin

    September 15, 2009 at 2:06 am

    HI Freda – I will be posting them in the blog every Saturday between now and Synergy2 at the end of February. I calculate that is as long as it will take to go through each of the exercises and projects, with a break for the holidays in December!

  3. Imagine my surprise when I discovered your book right there at my local Barnes and Noble. Even though I’m a bit past my polymer clay ‘fit’ (working on my watercolouring ‘fit’ right now!), I cannot resist listening to you talk about color. Color is the one thing that ties all my creative ‘fits’ together! I’m delighted!!!

  4. Ciao Maggie,il tuo libro è bellissimo.Io sono di Roma,mi dispiace non parlo inglese.Grazie per i tuoi preziosi consigli.Ciao

  5. I have the book and looking forward to the tutorials you are doing – Weekend Extras. How will I find them? I notice you said they would start on September 5 and that was last week. Can’t wait to start.

  6. admin

    September 7, 2009 at 4:24 am

    Wow Myra – you might single-handedly keep us on top of the Amazon lists!
    As an original follower of this blog, I know you “get ” it so I really do appreciate your support for the book! Thanks. Maggie

  7. I’ve just ordered my third copy of the book…and… I may not be done!

  8. this book is amazing. I am excited to do the excercises and not only use the lessons of color for my clay work but in my quilting! thanks

  9. What a great book. As a total newbie to the wonderful world of polymer clay – all of two months now – this is what i have been looking for to help me with the “how do I get that color” question. It is that and so much more. I have already read it three times – am totally lost on some things but am hoping it will click soon!
    thanks for all the hard work –

  10. Hello, Maggie, I am a basket artist and I am switching gears to Polymer clay. I have read your book once and I’ve started it again. I look forward to Saturday school. I’ll be there!

  11. I was so glad to see my book awaiting me on Monday. It is wonderful! And I was honored to be a part of your “color explorers” when the book was but a gleam in both your and Lindly’s eyes. The color tutelage you and Lindly have provided for many years have helped so many of us.

  12. I have been waiting on the edge of my seat for your book and lo and behold it came today. I HAD to glance through it but didn’t have time to sit down with it. It made mw drool though! I can’t wait to relax with it after the little one is asleep. Looks like it lives up to every expectaion I had! : ) Thanks for all the hard work you put into it.

  13. I hope that mine’s arriving soon !!! beautiful cover….

  14. Maggie, you’re an inspiration. Received the book already and reading it all the way through before I begin any of the exercises. Can’t wait to get started. Thank you for sharing.

  15. I pre-ordered your book with Amazon and got it Friday. We were going camping on Lake Mead in our boat and I had to take it with me so I could look at it! Love it and thanks for all the detailed instruction on color mixing. That has been a mystery for me and I have just had a lot of happy surprises so far. Now I can plan ahead a little.

  16. I’ve flipped through the book cover to cover – a hold over habit from college – and I can hardly wait to get started on the exercises! I appreciate that the approach is systematic and keeps adding layers of understanding. I love school!

  17. I have ordered my very own copy. Congratulations dear one! You did it!!!!!!

  18. I am eagerly awaiting my copy – ordered here in UK with Amazon – delay on delivery until September- oooh – so frustrating having to wait.
    But congrats on book

  19. From cover to cover, it’s colorful and informative. I can’t wait to do all the exercises. I learn so much better this way so I really like the format of the book.

  20. Wow! Your book is fantastic! I found it during my weekly cruise through the local bookstore. It’s worth waiting for…and I have been waiting for it. Your color website was (is?) fantastic–I read all of it & worked my way through most of the exercises–but this is ever so much better. My collage was a hit at the local Staples store when I copied it. I didn’t get much sleep, but it sure was fun making it last night.

    I think this book is as important for color study as Elizabeth Zimmerman’s work was for knitting. [From me, this is just about the highest compliment possible.] So wonderful to have the tools for independent color work. I could go on & on…but I won’t. Thank you!

  21. Hi Maggie,
    I know you don’t remember me, but I took a class from you a few years ago in Santa Fe (I’m the blond with the purple streak in my hair). I still have my lovely green collage exercise that we did in class and I recognized the exercise in the book – which was in my mailbox yesterday when I got home from work. WOW is all I can say. GREAT book. I learned from Lindly last year at Clay Carnival, too, so the two of you have both had an influence on my growth as a PC artist. And now you’re starting the Saturday classes on my birthday!!! It’s a sign I tell you. It’s a sign!! Thanks for a wonderful book and a chance to look forward to Saturdays more than usual. hugs to you both……Annie

  22. Congrats on the book Maggie! It’s been a long time coming but I am so thrilled that it is now available.

    After meeting you at Sandy Camp a few years back and taking the Clayville California Workshop (in Sacramento)I was really impressed by your dedication and enthusiasm.

    My copy of your book is on it’s way. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into it! Thank you for all of the work that you and Lindly put into it. I plan on coming back on Saturday for your bonus info. What a generous “EXTRA PERK”!

  23. Kindly
    and Maggie, All I can say is your book was worth the wait!!! How amazing thAt the rainbow appeared. Pingree? Sorry I missed you guys this year but your book arriving this week took some of the sting out of it. Congrats.

  24. I am new to polymer clay and just purchased your book. I am looking forward to reading and also checking out the “Saturday Classes”. Since I discovered polymer clay a year ago, I haven’t been able to put it down. I am ready for some structure and guidance. Looking to find my little corner of the polymer world.

  25. Your book is beautiful, I look forward to using it.

  26. Jennifer Griffin

    August 29, 2009 at 8:09 am

    Just walked out of a book store with my friend Joyce and we both now have this book. Whew! Fantastic and thank you, thank you!

  27. When I heard is is available I didn’t have to think twice about ordering it.

  28. The book is a polymer clay dream. It made me dream about clay all night. I keep looking at the gorgeous pictures. I know this is going to be a book I have to write my name all over so it doesn’t go missing.
    Congratulations, you should get an Oscar for that one.

  29. Wow! I got the book in the mail yesterday and having carried it around to read whenever I have a spare minute. Count on me to work through it, which I planned to do anyway, but now with your guidance. Yippee! Can you let us know ahead of time what we need to prepare for each exercise? Beautiful book!

  30. The book is truly wonderful – I have begun my collage!

  31. Congrats Maggie, can’t wait to get the book and check back here for the Weekend Extras!

  32. Louanne Railsback

    August 28, 2009 at 11:19 pm

    Your book is wonderful! It came yesterday and I have been reading and re-reading! What a great tool for polymer clay artists! I was an art teacher for 30 years, so much of the color theory I know, but you can always teach an “old” dog new tricks. Thank you so much for your terrific contribution to the polymer clay required reading list!

  33. Mine came yesterday (thank you, Amazon!) and I drooled over it all through dinner. The photos are scrumptious, the text clear, and the exercises look like fun. Can’t wait to try them.

    I really liked the way you two did the artist profiles. It’s nice to see more than just a photo or two.

    Beautiful work, all of it!

  34. Hey Maggie – how good to have you back – I really missed you over the last year!
    What a great idea to guide us through this stunning book on a regular basis. I will try to be there.
    Being very busy recently I only found the time to just thumb through the book and it looks veeeeery promising. I hope to find the time to read it very soon. At first glance it looks to me as we all have now the second bible in the PC world;)

    cya at synergy

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