Maggie Maggio

Smashing Color for the 21st Century

Color Peeks

poinsetta.jpgI remember when Gretchen Schauffler first came out with her Devine Paints. Nine years ago I was working for a design build firm here in Portland, Oregon and she came to one of our Friday staff meetings to present her new line. She was mixing the paints herself and I was so jealous. Her new website has a different way to look at color. Color Peeks are small color spots in nature photographs that morph into new photographs. A mesmerizing look at the complexity of color in the natural world. Peace on Earth. 


  1. Thank you. What a wonderful present. I am forwarding this to my fellow gallery members.

  2. thats totally neat the way the morphs take place. thanks for sharing that.


  3. Maggie…Wow. That link takes my breath away. Thanks so much for sharing! Peace to you.


  4. Loved “Color Peeks”! Thanks for the link.

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